NFPA Swivel Ring Hangers

Figure: 141 & 141F


Designed for the suspension of non-insulated stationary pipe lines. The knurled insert nut that allows a vertical adjustment after installation, is tapped to NFPA reduced rod size standards. Captured knurled insert nut present on pipe sizes 12” (15mm) to 2″ (50mm). The capture is permanent in the bottom portion of the band, allowing the hanger to be opened during installation if desired, but preventing the knurled insert nut from falling completely out. Fig. 141F has a layer of felt which separates the pipe from the hanger to reduce vibration and sound.

Material: Carbon steel

Finish: Pre-galvanized (Fig. 141) or pre-galvanized with felt lining (Fig. 141F)

Approvals: Underwriters’ Laboratories Listed in the U.S. (UL), Canada (CUL), for use with standard steel pipe sizes 34” (20mm) to 8″ (200mm) and CPVC pipe size 34” (20mm) to 4″ (100mm). Factory Mutual Approved for steel pipe sizes 34” (20mm) to 8″ (200mm). Complies with Federal Specifications A-A-1192A (Type 10), and Manufacturers’ Standardization Society ANSI/MSS SP-58 (Type 10) which supersedes ANSI/MSS SP-69.

Ordering: Specify figure number and pipe size.

NOTE: If ordering Fig. 141F felt lined hangers for pipe sizes of 31/2”  (90mm) or under, order the next largest size to allow for the thickness of the felt lining. Metric knurl insert nuts available upon request.

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